MediaScapes 2010 ID Research Blog

Posts tagged “why

Idea 1 – Project Details/Questions (02.25.10)

Project Details/Questions

Outside which is reality

Enter a threshold that reminds you of the reality came from and the environment you’re entering.

introduction and change into digital environment(s)

realize the transfer of environments

threshold/car acts as change between home and work, one environment to the next

Q: How do you understand why you are in different spaces?

A: Understanding the transfer of spaces relies on body data interpretation.

How: Physical Data corresponds with:

1. Auditory

2. Visual

3. Sensory/Touch (Hard/Soft/Sharp/Dull/Windy)/Temperature (Hot/Cold)

Q: What makes a space physical/real vs. digital/not real?

A: The ability to decipher physical information with the body. The concept behind virtual reality is the interaction of the digital body with the physical digital objects in an environment.

Q: What is the purpose of creating an environmentally immersive space?

A: To evoke an intelligent emotional response reflecting of the understanding of your bodily impact on the space you inhabit. How and why it happens, or just the mere fact that it is happening.

Q: What does the project do?

A: Transfers you between your daily space you impact without potentially realizing it to a space where your interactions with a particular environment can be immediately seen, deciphered, and understood.